Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God’s Provision

God has been teaching us that he will always provide for us. We were at the Thorn this last weekend. It is a drama based on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. They depicted the feeding of the 5000 as part of it. One of the statements really stuck with me. Thomas, the disciple, was the narrator, and said that none of the people who met Jesus that day were ever hungry again. They would never hunger because Jesus would always provide for His children. That's just a paraphrase, but it's true. When we meet Jesus, he fills us and we will always be provided for.

One of the things we have felt God wants us to do for this trip is raise support. It's not really something we are comfortable with or like to do. We don't like to give up our self-sufficiency and rely on God to provide. God has had to open up our eyes to the need to depend on Him for this trip, and to trust and have faith that He will provide. God put 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 on our hearts as we did this. It starts with, "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." We have been so blessed by seeing the hearts of some cheerful givers as they have sacrificially given. We have seen God move in the hearts of his people who instantaneously followed His leading and gave. We have seen people who, despite their own financial trials, took God at His word for provision and gave when they were needy themselves. God has used people who, in the midst of personal crisis, looked beyond themselves and gave in obedience to their loving God. It truly has been a blessing to see God providing and our faith has been built up as others have stepped out in their faith. We are very thankful for how he has already provided and we are trusting that he will continue to provide more than enough for this trip to Swaziland.

With God's provision in mind, we just want to say thank you. First, thank you God for providing. We know You called us on this trip, and will provide for us to take the trip. Second, we want to thank you to everyone who has given. You have been ministering to us in ways we can't imagine. Your gift of prayer and finances will further the kingdom of God and bring healing in Swaziland. Last, we have surpassed the $2500 mark, and we are very grateful for this. If you are thinking of supporting us, please pray about it. We believe God has already arranged for the people who he wants to do this good work through. We also wanted to share this video. As Sarah Groves says in the video, "I have what I have but I'm giving it up." As we all take this journey together, I hope and pray we can continue to give all we have for God's glory and His kingdom.

1 comment:

  1. God keeps teaching me different truths/promises within the feeding of the 5000...would love to see that played out in a drama. Must have been powerful!

    I'm SO excited for your trip. One of the children we sponsor is in Swaziland. It's definitely scary to step out and ask for support, I know. Our family would love to sow into your mission trip and will send off a check to Luke's Commission tomorrow. :-)

    Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. Loved the verse you shared. Whatever is blessing you in my posts is ALL God. Isn't He good?!? :-)

    Sweet blessings & JOY,
    Amy in OR
