Thursday, March 12, 2009

The World Race

During the last year and a half, one of the things God has used in shaping our direction and opening our eyes is the World Race ( This is an eleven month long missions trip through Adventures in Missions which goes to a different country every month. One of the countries they minister in is Swaziland. Reading about their journeys has opened our eyes up to what is going on in the world outside of the US and has helped direct us to Swaziland. We have gotten to know a number of racers and have had four of them take some time in our basement. The World Racers all have a deep heart for God and helping those in need. These are some pictures from one of the racers, Tara Bruce, who is on the field now. Her current blog has lots of great pictures and information on Swaziland:


  1. What do you eyes see? Do they see what these people appear to NOT have, or do you see them as precious creations of an absolutely amazing and wondering God of the universe. Andy, Wendy and kids... as you enter the season of preparation for your trip... May God speak to you as He has never done before. Blessed to serve along side you all.

  2. Wow! What amazingly beautiful photos of truly amazingly beautiful Swazi people. I'd heard of Tara before, maybe on Seth Barnes' (AIM founder) blog. I'm going to have to go check out her blog.

  3. YES!!!! So excited that you guys are doing this! If I were home just a couple weeks earlier I would totally come down and watch the place for you. Praying for God to prepare each of you for exactly what He'll be doing with you in Swazi!

  4. YES!!!! So excited that you guys are doing this! If I were home just a couple weeks earlier I would totally come down and watch the place for you. Praying for God to prepare each of you for exactly what He'll be doing with you in Swazi!

  5. Beautiful pictures! I'm excited for y'all!
